Monday, July 7, 2008

A review on a post on Legal from My E-commerce blog

A review is based on “UK to get tough with illegal downloader” from My E-commerce blog. There are estimated around 6 million people are downloading files illegally in UK. These illegal downloading of music and movies are costing the industry to lose million of pounds in revenue every year.

In Malaysia, we face the same problem. The demand for digitized music is increasing among Malaysians due to growing broadband penetration and the larger storage capabilities of personal computers and music-playing handheld devices, such as cell phones and MP3 players. Unfortunately, much of the demand is being satisfied by illegal download websites.
The Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM) indicated that music sales were plummeting. The sales last year was only RM 87 mil compared with RM 200 mil about 10 years ago. It drops significantly because of illegal download. Nowadays, nobody wants to buy CDs anymore, not even pirated CDs. People prefer to download movies and songs directly from internet because they are free of charge. As time pass by, it might cause the entertainment industry to close down.

To against this illegal download of music and movies, the government is urged to create a new law to against the user of the internet to download music and movie. In Canada, for example, downloading copyright music from peer-to-peer networks is legal, but uploading those files is not. Additionally Canada has imposed fees on recording mediums like blank CDs and similar items. These levies are used to fund musicians and songwriters for revenues lost due to consumer copying. Canada has initially charged this tax on MP3 players, but a recent Supreme Court decision ruled that the law was written in such a way that these players were exempt from the tax.

UK government is working on a new law to have this illegal downloader's internet connection to be cut off. If you like to download illegal music or movies online, you may have to take note of this new development. Among the contents of the new proposed law are ISP who failed to enforce the rules could be prosecuted and details of customers suspected in illegal downloading can be made available to the courts.

Learn more on When Is Downloading Music on the Internet Illegal?

Here is a video and audio news on
Why a clampdown on illegal downloading is needed.

Source from:
BBC News
The Star Online

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